
Single Sign On for an educational system

Our goal was to create a single-sign-on point for a few systems, so when a user logged into one system, they'd be logged into the others too. We used PHP (Symfony) tech stack to code it.

First, we planned out the whole process and got a grip on how complex it was gonna be. But we knew this project would come with challenges and risks, so we had a chat with our customer. We agreed that it would take around 3-4 iterations to bring all the systems together. We thought of using web tokens to authenticate users and suggested OAuth2 to the customer.

Once our dedicated development team had a solid plan for the first iteration, we committed to delivering the authentication microservice to the customer. Everything went smoothly without any problems.

But then we had to move all the users from the main system to our brand new authentication microservice so they could log in there. The problem was that the algorithms weren't compatible, so we had to plan an extra iteration to create a system where our users could reset their passwords using special links. Apart from that little glitch, all the other iterations went according to plan, and we managed to finish the project on time.